Past News & Events - 2022
Fall 2022 - Events at The Golden Gate Grange
AUTUMN COMMUNITY BRUNCH – Sunday, October 9th from 10 AM to 1 PM. This is a free event for Grange members and the whole community. Enjoy Pancakes by Dave, baked goods, breakfast casseroles, sausage, fruit, yogurt and more!!! Good chance to catch up with friends and neighbors. Donations are always welcomed. If you would like to help with baking or casseroles please contact Terri Costeldia 303 277-0351. You will also meet our remarkable Granger of the Year, Susan Vincent. In addition, we will be dedicating our newest community project, our Little Free Library constructed by Kirk Ramstetter and decorated by DeeDee. Should be quite a celebration!!!
TRUNK OR TREAT -On Sunday, October 30th from 5 - 7 PM we will hold our annual “Trunk or Treat” event for the Canyon kids. “Trunkers” will decorate their car or truck and distribute Halloween goodies to our Treaters! If you would like to participate as a “Trunker” please text Jess Wotring at 720 651-0566.. There will be a prize for the best decorated Trunk! Kids do not have to register to attend. We love seeing them (and the adults) in their Halloween costumes!
HOLIDAY CRAFT FAIR – This annual event is on November 5th from 9 AM to 4 PM. Admission is free and lunch and baked goods will be sold. We have a wonderful group of crafters and artisans who will amaze you with their talent and wares. Many are Canyon residents. If you would like to have a table contact Deb Curlee at to obtain a registration form. Cost of a table is very reasonable.
PANCAKE BREAKFASTS – The regular Pancake Breakfasts will return on Sunday, November 6 and December 4, from 8 to 10:00 AM. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice. $5 for adults and $32for children 10 and under.
WREATHMAKING – Each year we gather local greenery and get together to make Holiday wreaths. If you would like to join us you can bring your own wire wreath base or buy one from us for $5. Please email Jayne if you want us to provide the base or have any questions. Walk-ins are welcome but it is best to let us know in advance if you will need a wreath base. We can always use help gathering greens. We will have craft projects for kids while grownups are making the wreathes.